I'm insane for them.

Autistic, 18.

Shrines are cool, but why the parasaur?

I first started to like them when i was younger, ducky being my favorite land before time character, but I never really knew their name until recently! They're funky little guys, one of the easiest for me to remember, and they're just massive cutie patooties.

I also find their biology very interesting, same with the time period and food sources.

Parasaur Facts!

Parasaur's lived in swampy areas! They would eat things like pine needles, twigs, and leaves. They had more than 1,000 tiny teeth in their mouth! Their back legs allowed them to stand up and get harder to reach plants. They lived in Canada! There are 3 species of the genus parasaurlopholus, those being 1. Walkeri, 2. Tubicen which was the biggest species, and 3, the short crested Crytocristatus!

The name parasaurolophus means "near crested lizard", their name having a greek orgin. They often grew to be around 15 feet tall, 33 feet long. Parasaur's come from the Late Cretaceous period which was 88-73 MILLION years ago.

Crests were hollow, and nobody knows what they were used for. People speculate that it could be a way for them to determine mates, rank (such as alpha's having bigger ones), or assistance with making sounds and identifying family.