
Try and keep up, kid.

The year is 2058, earth is...strange.Certainly one of the more...euhh....tasking, assignments I have been on. But whatever lord megatron commands, I will comply.

03/22/2058. I need somewhere to log my thoughts, somewhere that my fellow cybertronians wouldn't know where to look. I tried to keep this place under lock and key, password protected, encrypted. This little area is mine and mine alone.

03/23/2058. Barricade and I slipped off today, with clearance of course, and ended up getting lost in the woods. Well, willfully lost. Earth is so...dirty, compared to cybertron, but I can't feel disgusted by it, if anything i'm intrigued. This mudball is so full of green, the inhabitants are so juicy and fluffy, unfortunate that barricade doesn't share in my wonder.

04/01/2058. Whoever thought it was a good idea to spread the word of 'april fools day' around the base, stuffed to the brim with already tense decepticons, is an absolute idiot. The occasional prank is fine, but this quickly spiraled into a mess of sabotages and infighting. I don't know much of the human event, but I don't think beating a dent into the back of a mechs helm is counted as a 'april fools prank'....Snapjaw, in his excitement, tried to prank me by nearly leading me into a trap! On PURPOSE! Safe to say I spent most of my day down in the unfinished mines.

04/15/2058. Dashcrash worries me. I know I haven't been the best example, or any example at all, but a boy so young just doesn't KNOW what he wants. Making a change, wanting to help, thats the kind of shit a 19 year old should be thinking of in terms of getting a good honest job, not fighting in a war. I don't think crash fully grasps the concept of having his pieces shot off, or killing another mech, or even dying and becoming another name in a memorial, and it sickens me.
